"All happiness depends on courage and work."
-- Honoré de Balzac
IMRAN Welcome to Imran Anwar's World of Flying Initially I am adding sections related to my flight training, and flying experiences. Information, specifically pictures initially, are being placed under areas for NY, LI and a section for other sources of information will be added under the uFly area. All sections will be updated and I try to make it easier for the repeat visitor by listing what new additions are. Spread the word, come again.
By the grace of God, I was able to post a message on the aviation newsgroups on 4/10/2001. The link at the bottom brings you to the Aviation pages that I am adding to my sites:
It is with great humility and even greater pleasure that I begin this message to the world's fliers with,
My Fellow Aviators....
After starting this year, and having to deal with many challenges, like the rainiest AND windiest March/April I can remember in NY state, not the least of which were delays in this auspicious day due to rain, thunderstorms, fog and what not, for the last three days, today, Tuesday April 10, 2001, I had the pleasure and honor of safely completing my first solo(s).
We took off from Islip MacArthur (KISP), flew into Brookhaven (KHWV), where the instructor had me "pull over."
We went to the unicom building, at least that is what I think it was, and he wrote some stuff in my logbook and sent me off on my own....in the words of my all time favorite song - closest to representing my soul's many passions and my life in general - since I first heard it almost 25 years ago....
ABBA's 'Eagle'....
"High, high, what a feeling to fly..."
God willing I will put my experiences on my http://www.imran.com web site, hopefully helping others share the fun and learn from...
In the meantime, I am thankful to the Almighty for giving me the opportunity and the resources to be able to take up a passion which I had dreamed of since I was a little boy growing up in Pakistan, and for having flown safely so far.
Who knows how far this passion and interest can go, as I start looking into possibly getting into a Cessna 172 or Piper (An)warrior.
I hope all along, even if Fate is the Hunter, may God always be the copilot, for all of us.
Imran Anwar
Dear friend or aviation fan, here are some of the photos from the day of my first solo flight. I hope yours is as much fun as mine was and....let the adventure begin....
Dear friend or aviation fan, here are some of the photos from the day of my first solo Cross Country flight. The winds were strong and from my right most of my flight, so I flew from Islip towards New Haven, and then onto Hartford. The day was July 21, 2001. I hope yours is as much fun as mine was and....let the adventure continue....
Dear friend or aviation fan, here are some of the photos from the day of my first solo Cross Country flight. The winds were strong and from my right most of my flight, so I flew from Islip towards New Haven, and then onto Hartford. The day was July 21, 2001. I hope yours is as much fun as mine was and....let the adventure continue....